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SecITC 2015

We would like to invite you to the 8th International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communications – SECITC’15 which will take place on 11–12 June 2015, at the National Military Center in Bucharest, Romania.

Program Committee – Chairs:

flagEmil SIMIONITA – Advanced Technologies Institute and University “Politehnica” from Bucharest, ROMANIAROMANIA

Program Committee – Surname alphabetical order

flagLudovic APVRILLEInstitut Mines-Telecom / Telecom ParisTechFRANCE
flagSambit BAKSHINational Institute of Technology RourkelaINDIA
flagPaulo BARRETOUniversity of São PauloBRAZIL
flagIon BICAMilitary Technical Academy from BucharestROMANIA
flagCatalin BOJABucharest University of Economic StudiesROMANIA
flagSanjit CHATTERJEEDept. of Computer Sc. and Automation, IIScINDIA
flagXiaofeng CHENXidian UniversityCHINA
flagChristophe CLAVIERUniversité de LimogesFRANCE
flagJean-Sébastien CORONUniversity of LuxembourgLUXEMBOURG
flagJoan DAEMENSTMicroelectronicsBELGIUM
flagEric DIEHLSony PicturesUSA
flagMalay Kishore DUTTAAmity School of Engineering and TechnologyINDIA
flagHelena HANDSCHUHRambus – Cryptography ResearchUSA
flagXinyi HUANGFujian Normal UniversityCHINA
flagJean-Louis LANETUniversity of LimogesFRANCE
flagKostas MARKANTONAKISRoyal Holloway UniversityUNITED KINDOM
flagAlfred MENEZESUniversity of WaterlooCANADA
flagDaniel PAGEUniversity of BristolUNITED KINDOM
flagVictor Valeriu PATRICIUMilitary Technical Academy from BucharestROMANIA
flagGiuseppe PERSIANOUniversità di SalernoITALY
flagMark RYANUniversity of BirminghamUNITED KINDOM
flagPeter RYANUniversity of LuxembourgLUXEMBOURG
flagPierangela SAMARATIUniversità degli Studi di MilanoITALY
flagDamien SAUVERONUniversity of LimogesFRANCE
flagRainer STEINWANDTFlorida Atlantic UniversityUSA
flagWilly SUSILOUniversity of WollongongAUSTRALIA
flagMehdi TIBOUCHIOkamoto Research Laboratory, NTTJAPAN
flagCristian TOMABucharest University of Economic StudiesROMANIA
flagMichael TUNSTALLRambus – Cryptography ResearchUSA
flagQianhong WUBeihang UniversityCHINA
flagMoti YUNGGoogle ResearchUSA
flagLei ZHANGEast China Normal UniversityCHINA

INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD – Surname alphabetical order

flagProf. Vincent CHARVILLAT, PhD.Université de ToulouseFRANCE
flagProf. Ovidiu DAESCU, PhD.The University of Texas at DallasU.S.A
flagProf. Philippe DHAUSSY, PhD.ENSTA-Bretagne, BrestFRANCE
flagProf. Traian MUNTEAN, PhD.Université de la Méditerranée, MarseilleFRANCE
flagPavel POLECHTCHOUKIngenico CompanyAustralia
flagProf. Vincent RIJMEN, PhD.K.U. LeuvenBELGIUM
flagProf. Florentin SMARANDACHE, PhD.University of New MexicoU.S.A
flagProf. Jacques STERN, PhD.École Normale Supérieure, ParisFRANCE
flagProf. Bhavani THURAISINGHAM, PhD.The University of Texas at Dallas / Cyber Security Research and Education Center – CySRECU.S.A
flagDr. Ian TAYLOR, ReaderCardiff School of Computer Science and Informatics/Consultant @ Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC, USAUK
flagProf. Nicolae TAPUS, PhD.University “Politehnica” from BucharestROMANIA
flagProf. Bogdan WARINSCHI, PhD.University of BristolUK

Organization Committee and Technical Support Team

  • Mihai DOINEA – Bucharest University of Economic Studies, ROMANIA
  • Cristian CIUREA – Bucharest University of Economic Studies, ROMANIA
  • Luciana MOROGAN – Military Technical Academy from Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Andrei-George OPRINA – Advanced Technologies Institute, ROMANIA
  • Marius POPA – Bucharest University of Economic Studies, ROMANIA
  • Mihai PURA – Military Technical Academy from Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Mihai TOGAN – Military Technical Academy from Bucharest, ROMANIA

Call for papers:

Since seven years SECITC brings together computer security researchers, cryptographers, industry representatives and graduate students. We solicit previously unpublished research articles in any aspect of security and cryptography. Papers must present advances in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, verification, or evaluation of secure systems and algorithms. One of SECITC’s primary goals is to mix researchers belonging to different communities and provide a formum allowing the informal exchanges necessary for the emergence of new scientific collaborations. The conference is very conveniently located in Bucharest to which direct flights exist from most capitals. Paper submission and refereeing will take place via Easychair and proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. The best papers that are rejected by Springer’s LNCS, might be included in the proceeding journal, if they are accepted by the reviewers and the authors manifest their agreement. One originality of SECITC is its Exploits Session. In this session, new exploit authors will be invited to explain how exploits were discovered and submit a formal research paper describing their discoveries. While the discovery of new exploits is a high-risk high-gain investment that requires creativity and tenacious work, exploits are usually difficult to publish in mainstream research conferences. Exploit paper acceptance criteria will be the exploit’s nature, novelty and impact.

The conference’s typical target topics are:

Access control
Algorithmic tools for security and cryptography
All aspects of cryptography
Application security
Attacks and defenses
Censorship and censorship-resistance
Cloud Security
Distributed systems security
Embedded systems security
Hardware security
Information flow analysis
Internet of Things – IoT
Intrusion detection
Language-based security
Mobile security and privacy
Network security
New exploits
Policy enforcements
Privacy and anonymity
Protocol security
Reverse-engineering and code obfuscation
Security architectures
Security aspects of alternative currencies
Side channel attacks
Surveillance and anti-surveillance
System security


The conference program is available for download.

Important deadlines

  • Full Paper Submission: 30-th March 2015 (old: 1-st and 20th March 2015)
  • Author Notification: 20-th April 2015 (old: 20-th March 2015)
  • Final Revised Paper Submission via email/web: 24-th April 2015 (old: 31-th March 2015)
  • Payment Confirmation via E-mail: 27-th April 2015 (old: 31-th March 2015)
  • On Site Registration Date: 11-th June 2015
  • Conference Date:  June, 11th – 12th, 2015

Keynote speakers (listed alphabetically):

1. Konstantinos MARKANTONAKIS: Secure Application Execution on Cyber Physical Devices
Dr. Konstantinos Markantonakis B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D, MBA. He is currently a Reader (Associate Professor) in the Information Security Group in Royal Holloway University of London. His main research interests include smart card security and applications, secure cryptographic protocol design, Public Key Infrastructures (PKI) and key management, embedded system security, mobile phone operating systems/platform security, NFC/RFID security, grouping proofs, electronic voting protocols.
He has published more than 120 papers in international conferences and journals. He has worked as a Multi-application smart card Manager in VISA International EU. He was working as a Senior Information Security Consultant for Steer Davies Gleave. He is a member of the IFIP Working Group 8.8 on Smart Cards. Since June 2014, he is vice chair of IFIP WG 11.2 Pervasive Systems Security. He continues to act as a consultant on a variety of topics including smart card security, key management, information security protocols, mobile devices, smart card migration program planning/project management for financial institutions, transport operators and technology integrators.
2. Reza REYHANITABAR: Authenticated-Encryption: Security Notions, Designs and Applications
Reza Reyhanitabar is a senior researcher in the Security and Cryptography Laboratory at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. He works on cryptography and communications security and has over 10 years of experience in both academia and industry. Before joining EPFL in 2013, he was a visiting research fellow at the Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography (COSIC) group of KU Leuven in Belgium, and a research fellow and lecturer at University of Wollongong (UOW) in Australia, where he also received his PhD in Computer Science (Cryptography) in 2010. From 2002 until 2006 he was a security engineer in the R&D department of ZAEIM Electronic Industries Co., and a research engineer in the Electronic Research Centre at Sharif University of Technology, Iran.
He has served as the program co-chair of the Provable Security 2013 conference, and program committee member of several international conferences on cryptography and security (CANS 2015, SECITC 2015, ACNS 2014, ACISP 2014, ProvSec 2014, ProvSec 2012). He is a member of International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR) since 2005, and a senior member of IEEE and Australian Computer Society.
3. Ferucio Laurentiu TIPLEA: New Results on Identity-based Encryption from Quadratic Residuosity
Dr. Ferucio Laurentiu Tiplea received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi in 1986 and 1993, respectively (Education). From 1990 to 1991 he was with the Mathemnatics Faculty of the “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi; he joined the Faculty of Computer Science in the Fall of 1991 (Positions). His research interests includes Petri nets, formal languages and automata, computability and complexity, codes and cryptography.