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SecITC 2024

November 21-22, 2024


International Conference on Security
for Information Technology and Communications

The 17th International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communications (SecITC 2024) will be held in Bucharest, Romania on November 21-22, 2024. The conference venue will be the Palace of the National Military Circle, located right in the heart of Bucharest, the capital city of Romania.

SecITC brings together computer security researchers, cryptographers, industry representatives and graduate students interested in any aspect of information security and privacy.
One of the SECITC’s primary goal is connecting security and privacy researchers as well as professionals from different communities and providing a forum that allows informal exchanges necessary for the emergence of new scientific and industrial collaborations.

Conference Program

This will be available soon!

The 17th International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communications (SecITC 2024) will be held in Bucharest, Romania on November 21-22, 2024.

SecITC brings together computer security researchers, cryptographers, industry representatives and graduate students interested in any aspect of information security and privacy. One of SecITC’s primary goals is connecting security and privacy researchers as well as professionals from different communities and providing a forum that allows informal exchanges necessary for the emergence of new scientific and industrial collaborations. Since 2015, previous SecITC post-proceedings have been published by Springer as LNCS (see Paper submission and refereeing for SecITC 2024 will take place via EasyChair and the post-proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.

The conference topics comprise all aspects of information security, including but not limited to the following areas:

  • Access Control,
  • Algorithmic Tools for Security and Cryptography,
  • Application Security,
  • Applied Cryptography,
  • Artificial Intelligence for Security,
  • Application security,
  • Attacks and Defences,
  • Authentication Biometry,
  • Artificial Intelligence for Security,
  • Blockchain Security and Security aspects of alternative currencies,
  • Censorship and Censorship-Resistance,
  • Cloud Security,
  • Cryptology,
  • Distributed Systems Security,
  • Embedded Systems Security,
  • Hardware Security,
  • Information Flow Analysis,
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Security,
  • Intrusion Detection,
  • Language-based Security,
  • Malware,
  • Mobile Security and Privacy,
  • Network security,
  • New exploits,
  • Policy enforcements,
  • Privacy and Anonymity,
  • Protocol Security,
  • Reverse-Engineering and Code Obfuscation,
  • Security Architectures,
  • Side-Channel Attacks,
  • Surveillance and Anti-Surveillance,
  • System Security.


The SecITC conference has a tradition regarding the publishing of the post-proceedings scientific papers in Springer LNCS – with title “Innovative Security Solutions for Information Technology and Communications”, as follows:

  • SECITC 2023 – Springer as LNCS vol. 14534;
  • SECITC 2022 – Springer as LNCS vol. 13809;
  • SECITC 2021 – Springer as LNCS vol. 13195;
  • SECITC 2020 – Springer as LNCS vol. 12596;
  • SECITC 2019 – Springer as LNCS vol. 12001;
  • SECITC 2018 – Springer as LNCS vol. 11359;
  • SECITC 2017 – Springer as LNCS vol. 10543;
  • SECITC 2016 – Springer as LNCS vol. 10006;
  • SECITC 2015 – Springer as LNCS vol. 9522.

Paper submission and refereeing for SECITC 2024 will take place via EasyChair and the post-proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.

Full Paper Submission: September 18th September 30th, 2024 at 23:59 AoE

Notification for acceptance: October 30th, 2024

Proceedings version deadline: November 15th, 2024

Registration deadline: November 16th, 2024

Conference: November 21-22nd, 2024

Submission is done at EasyCHAIR

Iulian ACIOBANITEIMilitary Technical AcademyROMANIA
Raja Naeem AKRAMUniversity of AberdeenUK
Claudio ARDAGNAUniversita degli Studi di MilanoITALY
Afonso ARRIAGAAPSIA / SnT – University of LuxembourgLUXEMBOURG
Lasse BERNTZENThe University College of South-Eastern Norway (USN)NORWAY
Ion BICAMilitary Technical AcademyROMANIA
Catalin BOJABucharest University of Economic StudiesROMANIA
Michele CARMINATIPolitecnico di MilanoITALY
Paolo D’ARCOUniversity of SalernoITALY
Roberto De PRISCOUniversity of Salerno / Universita’ di SalernoITALY
Eric DIEHLSony PicturesUSA
Mihai DOINEABucharest University of Economic StudiesROMANIA
Constantin Catalin DRAGANUniversity of SurreyUK
Petr DZURENDABrno University of TechnologyCzech Republic
Dieter GOLLMANNHamburg University of TechnologyGERMANY
Johann GROSZSCHAEDLUniversity of LuxembourgLUXEMBOURG
Shoichi HIROSEUniversity of FukuiJAPAN
Vincenzo IOVINOAragon AssociationSWITZERLAND
Nesrine KAANICHEInstitut Polytechnique de ParisFRANCE
Mehmet Sabir KIRAZDe Montfort UniversityUK
Diana MAIMUTAdvanced Technologies InstituteROMANIA
Mark MANULISUniversität der Bundeswehr MünchenGERMANY
Luciana MOROGANMilitary Technical AcademyROMANIA
Ruxandra OLIMIDBucharest UniversityROMANIA
Andrei-George OPRINAAdvanced Technologies Institute & University POLITEHNICA of BucharestROMANIA
Olivier PEREIRAKU Leuven – Université Catholique de LouvainBELGIUM
Marius POPABucharest University of Economic StudiesROMANIA
Sara RICCIBrno University of TechnologyCZECH Republic
Peter Y.A. ROENNEUniversity of LuxembourgLUXEMBOURG
Peter Y.A. RYANUniversity of LuxembourgLUXEMBOURG
Damien SAUVERONUniversite de LimogesFRANCE
Emil SIMIONUniversity ‘Politehnica’ of BucharestROMANIA
Agusti SOLANASSmart Health Research Group | Rovira i Virgili UniversitySPAIN
El Mamoun SOUIDIUniversity Mohammed V in RabatMOROCCO
Riccardo SPOLAORShandong UniversityCHINA
Pantelimon STĂNICĂNaval Postgraduate SchoolUSA
Rainer STEINWANDTUniversity of Alabama in HuntsvilleUSA
Norbert TIHANYIEötvös Loránd UniversityHUNGARY
Ferucio Laurentiu TIPLEAAlexandru Ioan Cuza University of IasiROMANIA
Mihai TOGANMilitary Technical AcademyROMANIA
Cristian TOMABucharest University of Economic StudiesROMANIA
Denis TRCEKUniversity of LjubljanaSLOVENIA
Valérie VIET TRIEM TONGCentrale SupelecFRANCE
Qianhong WUBeihang UniversityCHINA
Sule Yildirim-YayilganNTNU – Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyNORWAY
Lei ZHANGEast China Normal UniversityCHINA

Info for Authors

Paper Format

  • Submissions must not be substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel for consideration to any other journal, conference/workshop with proceedings. The submission should begin with a title followed by a short abstract and keywords. Submissions must be in PDF format and should have at most 12 pages excluding the bibliography and appendices, and at most 20 pages in total, using Springer LNCS format. All submissions must be anonymous. The reviewers are not required to read appendices—the paper should be intelligible without them. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits. Authors of accepted papers should guarantee that at least one of the authors will attend the conference and present their paper.
  • Paper submission and review process is handled via EasyChair platform. All submissions must be in PDF format. For paper submission follow the following link:
  • As the final accepted papers will be published in LNCS by Springer, it is recommended that the submissions be processed in LaTeX2e or Word according to the instructions listed on the Springer’s LNCS Webpage: These instructions are mandatory for the final papers.
  • In particular, Springer’s LNCS paper formatting requirements can be found at: 

Registration Fees

  • The conference registration fee is 75 € (EURO) for non-students.
  • The conference promotes results obtained by young researchers (undergraduate, graduate, master students, and Ph.D. students) by providing free participation opportunities, but the publishing and operational costs are covered by a fee of 50 € (EURO). Young researchers must provide proof of their university enrolment and must present results obtained individually or with other fellow students.


  • Payment can be done only by bank transfer.
  • The bank accounts (IBAN) are:
    • For ROL (Romanian currency), Transilvania Bank: RO21 BTRL RONC RT00 G606 7701
    • For EUR (European currency), Transilvania Bank: RO06 BTRL EURC RT00 G606 7701
    • The SWIFT code of Transilvania Bank is: BTRLRO22
    • BENEFICIARY DETAILS: “Asociatia Clubul Informaticii Economice – Cyber Knowledge Club” Non-Profit Association, Fiscal Registration Code (CIF) / Unique Registration Code (CUI): 31079668, No. Reg. Comm.: J84/21.11.2012, Social Address: Bld. Mărăşeşti 19/4, District 4, Bucharest, with postal address: str. Calea Dorobantilor no. 15-17, “Virgil Madgearu” Building, room 2210 / 2315, District 1, Bucharest, web:
    • Authors are requested to send to the Conference e-mail ( and the bank transfer confirmation document in order to validate the payment. Until the secretariat receives the document, the registration is considered incomplete.
      Authors must pay the international transfer fee requested by the bank.
      Registration benefits
    • Paper publication in the Springer’s LNCS or Conference Proceedings volume with ISBN / ISSN number.
    • Access to all conference sessions, keynote lectures
    • Authors of the papers will receive additional an invitation to submit a version of their work to a different on-line journal – e.g. IEJMEDS.

Important notes

  • Electronic registration and confirmation date is in November. For the electronic registration, it is enough to send e-mail to with the payment order as attachment and the client details, in order to able us to reply with the electronic invoice. The SecITC Team will do its best to provide the invoice associated to the payment orders. Also please register via RSVP form from the webpage.
  • There will be no refunds for cancellations received after the registration date.
  • If the payment is made by cheque, the authors must support the extra fee for bank handling costs.
  • SecITC2024 will take place in hybrid approach – physical and/or online via Zoom platform and it will be joinable from any place on Earth. The conference venue for the physical attendance will be the Palace of the National Military Circle, located right in the heart of Bucharest, the capital city of Romania.

Steering Committee – alphabetical order:

  • Ion BICA, Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand I”
  • Andrei-George OPRINA, Institute for Advanced Technologies
  • Cristian TOMA, University of Economic Studies